Manzana (Light) - 12oz and 5lbs.

Manzana (Light) - 12oz and 5lbs.
Welcome to Manzana [Apple], one of the newest additions to the Viva Family. This outstanding micro lot bean is an authentic gem characterized by its delicate green apple and cinnamon notes, with a crisp acidity and a remarkable body. Manzana is our second bean sourced directly from COMSA in the Region of Montecillos, Marcala and it is an ode to strong relationships and continued growth.
Roast Level: Light, Single Origin, Micro Lot
Process: Washed
Flavor Notes: green apple and cinnamon, with beautiful acidity and remarkable body
Enjoyment Suggestions: We drink it Black. No sugar or sweeteners needed
Manzana is an outstanding single origin green bean of the Catuai variety and it is produced by COMSA, a cooperative nested in the mountains of the Marcala, La Paz. During his first sourcing trip to Honduras, Gerardo visted COMSA and he was presented with close to 10 outstanding coffees including washed and natural processed beans. During the cupping session, Gerardo fell in love with this unique bean. The flavor profile was just remarkable, clean, and crisp. But there was a small problem... Viva was just becoming a reality and this bean was simply out of the price range for what the company could afford. But Gerardo was confident about Viva's mission and said to Don Rodolfo, COMSA's General Manager: "I promise to you that Viva will source this coffee soon". Two years later this promise was fulfilled and we cannot be more excited to share this amazing cup with the world! Welcome to Manzana and Muchas Gracias to COMSA for growing and developing such an amazing bean.